The only thing better than business cards is pens. They have your brand and all your information on them, are passed around, are used every day, and if one is forgotten on a desk, it's just free advertising!
Promo products like pens can be used for appreciation gifts, cold calls, or just to get your brand into the public’s everyday life. We provide all the classic products everybody has grown to love. We have water bottles, lanyards, and even the aforementioned pens, but it does not stop there. Ever wanted a branded fidget spinner, interactive dog toys, or a portable weekly pill dispenser? We can get you unusual products that only make sense for your business, community, or event.
Though these kinds of products usually get ordered in bulk by businesses, we are looking to help anyone who comes through our doors. So long as you can hit the minimum quantity requirements for an order we would love to get you and your friends that cool matching gear you have always had in mind.
Looking for ideas? Check out this sample selection of our products here.
Anything catch your eye?
Call us at (250) 474-5484 or email contact1@sidelines.biz.